
Physiology & Body Chemistry | Thoughts & Feelings | Healing

#1 Physiology & Body Chemistry

Harness the Power of Your Body!

I discounted the physical side of depression and excessive anxiety because it always seemed like it was just “in my head.” Which is silly, because of course the body, a complex machine, plays a huge role in depression and anxiety! And they’ve got the science to back that up. How can we heal our body, support it, and use its underpinnings to alleviate depression and anxiety? Let’s find out.

#2 Thoughts & Feelings

Reclaim your mind!

Thoughts and feelings make us human; move from being plagued by them to learning from them and using them. By learning a few new skills and developing a couple new habits, you can go from feeling out of control, overwhelmed, reactive, lost, and confused to confident, in control, and capable.

  • 3 Things Daily Journaling

  • Ride the Wave

  • Assess & Direct

  • Mantras, Music, Mindset

  • Beliefs-Story-Identity

  • Go Do Something

#3 Healing

You’re not going to want to do this. And that’s okay. I didn’t want to do it either. I didn’t want to do it then and I don’t want to do it now and I won’t want to do it tomorrow. But I have to do it. Because it works. And it helps. And I deserve peace. And so do you.

The tools for healing are known, real, and effective. If you’ve lived, you’ve likely experienced things that you need to process. You might be unaware that these experiences are impacting you and your reactions to your own feelings, people and situations, sense of safety and security, ability to form healthy relationships, your desire for intimacy (and what form that takes), etc. But avoiding real and meaningful healing means you’ll always be fighting an invisible enemy, and ultimately reducing your chance of lasting peace, fulfillment, and security. The really big stuff is really hard, and it will take time- often coming in fits and starts, rather than a continuous, unbroken process. The everyday-ish stuff will be you strengthening the skill of healing, so those negative experiences stop accumulating until you explode (whatever form that exploding takes) or collapse. You’re going to live your life in the meantime, btw. You’re not stopping everything, you’re not losing time, and you’re not going backwards.

Without doing this step, you’ll always be fighting an invisible enemy. You can do this!