SELF: Thoughts & Feelings
Go Do Something
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Weird, but works
It’s weird, but sometimes making yourself do things rather than spending that time thinking about how to fix your problems, will help you with your problems. Seriously. We’re not meant to constantly be thinking. Our brains are amazing and consciousness is incredible. But, it really does have its limits. So please, go do something. Every day. You have to. It’s part of being sane. I promise.
There was a period where I was severely depressed, but every day I made myself get up, eat breakfast, and get ready- clothes, hair, make-up, the whole bit. I went back to bed afterward and spent the rest of my day and night in bed (I had nowhere to go and no one relying upon me), but that morning ritual kept me from falling off the deep.
There are moments where I’m stuck and I’m trying to think my way out of being stuck. I’ll stop myself, and say, hmmm, nope. Let’s go do something. And I’ll go do laundry, or run an errand, or call my sister - whatever. It doesn’t matter. But go. do. something.
Unlearn a Passive Lifestyle
This has been my biggest challenge. I lived with depression for DECADES. Not every day, but every year. If that makes sense. And depression and anxiety expertly habituate behavior toward passivity. We lay in bed, we watch tv, we scroll our phones, we think, we think some more, we stay still, we don’t move, we cancel plans, we don’t show up. It’s a passive lifestyle. It’s a forced learned behavior. Depression and anxiety paralyze us. Overtime, we become more comfortable with inaction than with action, which in turn feeds the depression and anxiety. You must unlearn this passive approach to life. One step at a time.